My Life Timeline

By emr2003
  • My Birthday!

    My Birthday!
    I was born in Caracas Venezuela
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    My life in Venezuela

    I lived in Venezuela until I was 4 years old. My family immigrated to Canada to give us better opportunities and a safer space for my brother and I to grow.
  • Transition in to Canada

    Transition in to Canada
    We arrived in Canada and began transitioning to our new life here. My dad became comfortable in his job and we started to grow as a family here.
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    Understanding Canadas Social Norms and Roles

    My family and I spent a few years settling into Canadian society. It is far different than life in Venezuela. At my childhood birthday party, we held a 6 hour party as that is the norm for us, but everyone only stayed for 2-3 hours because Canadian society is so different.
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    Kindergarten-Learning English

    I did kindergarten in Canada and this is when I learned to speak English!
  • Gaining Canadian Citizenship

    Gaining Canadian Citizenship
    I got my Canadian citizenship when I was in the third grade!
  • Graduating Elementary School!

    Graduating Elementary School!
    I had an incredible elementary school experience and continue to look back at my years in mother Teresa as some of the best in my life. My grade was super connected and we were all really friendly. Really great experience in my life.
  • First Day of Highschool

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    Highschool Experience

    I really loved my high school experience. I made so many new friends and cohorts of people. Participated in different societal institutions and school clubs which gave the opportunity to grow and learn from a variety of people. I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun with my friends, peers, and teachers.
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    First job!

    My first job was at a beautiful art studio where I served as a business administrative assistant. I worked as a receptionist and participated in payroll and employee management! I loved my job but unfortunately, the studio is a small business and it suffered immensely during the pandemic and was forced to close.
  • Coronavirus begins and online learning starts

    Coronavirus begins and online learning starts
    When the coronavirus pandemic hit our entire world was flipped upside down. I stopped being able to see my friends, the school became completely online and we were all isolated from one another. To maintain ourselves as a society we had to evolve and change the way we interacted, through technology.
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    Second Job!

    My first job was in Micheals where I served as a cashier. it was a seasonal position so my time there came to a close once December was over.
  • University acceptances

    University acceptances
    I have received acceptance to two programs at Guelph Humber university and one at Laurier University!
  • Final acceptances and decision

    By the end of March, I hope to receive my acceptance into Mac and Guelph, and will hopefully accept one of the university offers!
  • Highschool Graduation!

    Highschool Graduation!
    Will most likely be an online ceremony with no prom :(.
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    University Life

    I hope to study psychology at McMasters Social Science programs for four years in preparation for my Master's Degree!
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    Masters Degree In Art Therapy

    Finalize my studies to be able to open up my own clinical art therapy practice!