• DOB

    June 3rd, 2005, a rainy spring day
  • First fries and burger

    First fries and burger
    i was 10 months old and i hated baby food
  • near death experience

    near death experience
    I drank paint thinner....
    First time drawing a tree
  • We stopped attending family reunions

    We stopped attending family reunions
    We weren't really involved much at family events, some family members would not associate with us so we stopped attending the reunions. By this year i could draw people
  • Mom started working

    Mom started working
    My mother started her new job when I was 4.
    In 2009 I almost lost my home because bankers drove our economy into the ground
  • First haircut & First day of kindergarten

    First haircut & First day of kindergarten
    The title is pretty self explanatory but in 2010 i got my very first haircut and started school
  • Wedding!!

    This was the year my oldest sister got married and moved to hawaii
  • Tia Ivy :)

    Tia Ivy :)
    In 2012, My oldest sister gave birth to my handsome little nephew.
  • The Boston Marathon Bombing

    The Boston Marathon Bombing
    In 2013 two homemade pressure cooker bombs detonated at the finish line of the race. I remeber being really young and honestly really scared and learning that things like this happen too often .
  • Ebola

    In 2014 ebola scared me alot i was worried about me or a family member getting it and dying . :l
  • Quinceñera

    My sister melanie had her 15th birthday party.
  • Road Trip!!

    IN 2016 we went on a trip to california for my sister staphanies birthday
    And donald trump (donald duck) became president... We literally put a child in office.
  • Dads Job

    Dads Job
    My dad got a new job with a bigger construction company .
  • Bisexual:)

    In 2018 I came out to my friends and family as bisexual and my sister melanie graduated from iechs with her associates and i cut my hair to my jawline
  • Melanie moved!

    Melanie moved!
    In 2019 when school started my sister moved all the way to colorado and i didn;t get to say goodbye because i was in south dakota for work
  • Covid-19

    Covid caused everything to close and i havent been able to see my friends or hangout with anyone since march. I also found out that im moving to vermont next year .