My Life Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Hunterville, NC
  • I got RSV

    I got RSV which is a respiratory syncytial virus. Basically my respiratory tract got infected and I had to be rushed to the hospital because I couldn't breathe. I was in the hospital for like 4 days. I had to stay home and couldn't go out for 2 weeks.
  • Parents separated

    My parents became officially separated
  • Parents divorced

    My parents became officially divorced
  • My dad got remarried

    My Dad got remarried to my stepmom, Jennifer. She had a daughter from a previous marriage. So I also gained a stepsister, Charlotte
  • My mom got remarried

    My Mom got remarried to my stepdad, David. David had two sons from a previous marriage. So I gained a two stepbrothers, Drew and Quinn.
  • Ella was born

    My little sister Ella was born! She is my half sister and her parents are my dad and my stepmom.
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten at Highland Creek Elementary School! I was the youngest kid in my class. I barely made the cut off for getting in.
  • Chaz was born

    My little brother Chaz was born. He is my half brother and his parents are my stepmom and my dad
  • Cooper is born

    My little brother Cooper is born. He is my half brother and his parents are my mom and David. I had two brothers from different families born 3 days apart
  • Graduating Elementary School

    I graduated elementary school which was huge because I struggled through the elementary school most of the years.
  • Started Middle School

    I started Middle School at Ridge Road Middle School. It was a big transition because the schedules were way different and I barely saw anyone from my elementary school
  • New House

    My mom and my stepdad got a new house so we moved to a different neighborhood which was a big thing for me because all of my best friends lived on our old street
  • New Middle School

    My 8th grade year I switched to another middle school. It was Hickory Grove Christian School which was a very difficult switch. I didn't know anyone and it was far from my house like 45 min, it was all the way in mint hill. It was a private christian school which was hard because I had never went to a private school or religious school before. People acted way different than at Ridge Road
  • Graduating from Middle School

    I graduated from Hickory Grove. This was huge because middle school was horrible and it felt like it was never going to end. Also I could get out of that horrible school and never go again.
  • Volleyball Team

    My mom made me try out for the PLP volleyball team so that I could meet people before starting 9th grade. I made the team even though I was terrible
  • Starting High School at a new school

    I started 9th grade at PLP. Which was huge because I got out of that horrible school and went to a way better school. I didn't know anyone but it was good.
  • Suspended

    Me and two of my friends got suspended for doing something bad. I got 4 days out of school suspension. Also 3 months of being on complete lockdown with my parents. A huge mistake.
  • I got my nose pierced!

    I went to a friends house and she pierced my nose. My parents had no idea until I got home the next day and they made me take it out right away and I was grounded for one month
  • Ugrounded

    I became officially ungrounded! After one month of not being able to do anything because of my nose piercing
  • Nose piercing!

    I got my nosed pierced again and this time my parents said yes. My mom took me and my sister to go get ours done!
  • Turned 15!

    When I turned 15 I got my permit and it was a huge step for me because in exactly one year I will be able to get my licenses!
  • First day of my job

    I got my very first job at Pippas Cafe the day after I turned 15!
  • Party that got me grounded forever

    I snuck out of my house and I went to a big party with my friends and had a good time but then it was bad
  • My parents found out

    My parents found out about this party because my sister told on me. They had no idea and were completely surprised and angry. I got grounded for 5 months and they said I couldn't hang out with my best friend anymore
  • Ungrounded

    I officially became ungrounded! I got my phone back and I got to hang out with certain friends again. They tracked my location and facetimed me every hour to make sure that I was doing the right thing and not doing anything bad
  • Dad's Family moving

    My dad and his family moved 2 hours away in Rockingham, NC. I decided not to move with them so I could stay and finish High School here. I visit them sometimes but I barely see them now.
  • Turned 16 (present day)

    This is the current day and it is also my 16th birthday! Tomorrow I go to get my licenses!!