My life timeline

  • Born

    I was born inTuquerres
  • Baptism

    My baptism was when I was one year
  • Kindergarten

    I went to the kindergarten when I was four years old
  • School

    I went to the school when I was five years old
  • End of the school

    At the age of 10, I finished school from school
  • Altar boy

    At the age of 11, I became an altar boy in the San Pedro parish.
  • My first communion.

    We did classes, my first communion.
  • First communion.

    At 12 I received the body of Christ in communion
  • SENA

    At the age of 19, I entered the SENA to study
  • My first motorbike

    At the age of 19, I bought my motorcycle
  • Catechesis of Confirmation

    At age 15 I entered catechesis to make the confirmation
  • Amazing time

    At the age of 16, I visited Atacames Ecuador with my schoolmates.
  • My graduation

    At the age of 16, I graduated from college.
  • My grandmother's 80th birthday

    when I was 16 we celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday
  • Learning

    when I was 17 I took an electricity course