my life timeline

  • birth

    1996 July 12 – year I was born my mum Joanne and my dad Randal named me dean canning in Mater children hospital Brisbane
    it was also the year Michael Jordan signs a NBA contract for 1 year for $25 million
  • Moved to Western Australia

    Moved to Western Australia
    Moved to Western Australia with my mum and dad a month after I was born because my dad was offerd a good paying job and there wasnt much reason for us staying in qweensland
  • started school

    started school
    year i started school i was six years old and was exactied to be in grade 1 at cassia primary school from what i can remeber but was some of best years of my child hood
  • broke my arm

    broke my arm
    first bone i ever broke. My arm was in a carst for 8 weeks it was pretty bad but all i can remeber was crying in the car on the way to the hospital then laughing cause it felt werid when i tryed to move my fingers.
  • diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

    diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
    I turned 7 years old and that’s when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes witch pretty much changed my life for ever i spent three quaters of the year recovering and learning about diabetes
  • Parents’ divorce

    Parents’ divorce
    on this event was when my parents split i was extremly devestated but in the long run i figured it was for the best becuase the fighitng stoped and i still get to see my mum and dad enough.
  • first school attending in Queensland Windsor state school grade 4

    first school attending in Queensland Windsor state school grade 4
    first school attending in Queensland Windsor state school grade 4 i wasnt sure what to excpect first school iv ever been to in qweensland but the education was alot better then what iv ever been to before hand.
  • Moved back to Queensland

    Moved back to Queensland
    Moved back to Queensland with my mum to get a better education and keep on track with my diabetes after my parents broke up there was no point in staying at WA plus all my family lived in Qweensland
  • Moved to camira state school

    Moved to camira state school
    Moved to camira state school stated in grade 5 i was nervouse but so excited at the same time as soon as i came into the class i soon relised it was a good school
  • year started playing soccer

    year started playing soccer
    first year i started playing soccer for an actually soccer club western spirit soccer club i was nervouse but luckily i had a natural tallent for soccer and enjoyed it alot.
  • graduated from camira state school

    graduated from camira state school
    graduated from camira state school grade 7 age 13
  • grand final victory

    grand final victory
    first year of playing football at the end of the session won my first grand final agianst john pual collage
  • first year stated playing futsal (indoor soccer)

    first year stated playing futsal (indoor soccer)
    first year stated playing futsal (indoor soccer)
  • started high school saint peter claver collage

    started high school saint peter claver collage
    the day i started high school at saint peter claver collage
  • dad moved back to Queensland

    dad moved back to Queensland
    My dad moved back to Queensland
  • holiday to new zealand with my dad

    holiday to new zealand with my dad
    Went on a holidays with my dad to new zealand in the little town called qweenstown
  • holiday to hawii

    holiday to hawii
    Went on a trip to Hawaii with my mum and family
  • came second in austral asia cup (futsal)

    came second in austral asia cup (futsal)
    played futsal for saint peter claver collage our team entered austral Asia cup and came second in the comp so our team was second best in Australia
  • got my license

    got my license
    i passed my learners test and got my drivers license
  • own first car

    own first car
    brought my first car for 1000$ Toyota silica