my life time

  • the day i was born

    This was the day I was born I dont really remember enything because I was very small i didnt know what was going around me
  • Period: to

    my life time

  • I moved to montbello

    I moved to montbello
    when I was like 1 year old I lived in denver.But when i was 2 i moved to montbello.Ive lived in montbello evr since.
  • my first time at school

    my first time at school
    This was my first time going to school because at the age of 5 or 6 everybody has to go to school.MY first school was barney ford
  • my cousins moved a block away from me

    my cousins moved a block away from me
    this is when my cousins moved a block away from my house it was the best momment of my life when i was small.we have been the best cousins since.
  • First time I went to the movies

    First time I went to the movies
    This was my first time going to the movie theaters.I went to see never back down it was about mma and this guy fought at the end and won because he didnt now how to fight at first
  • first time i turned into a ched

    first time i turned into a ched
    a ched is a guy who dances mexican music and has boots and a texana.ever since ive been a ched and i just lisen to nortenas.
  • my first phone

    my first phone
    I got my first phone after my birthday so that was like my present.It was one of the first androids.
  • my bestfriend

    my bestfriend
    my bestfriend is damien quiroz.Ive known him since 6th grade when we came to dcis
  • my own room

    my own room
    I got my own room when my brother moved to oregon and decided to open a company.since then i had my own room
  • my brothers big test to open company and he is going to open it

    my brothers big test to open company and he is going to open it
    Today was my brothers big test to open a company with my cousins and he passed that means I will get a better life