My life story

  • My birth

    I was born on December 5 at the Primero de Mayo clinic at 12:20 noon And my dad when he heard about my birth went to the clinic excited to learn that I had his first son.
  • My first birthday

    On my first birthday I was getting ready to take some photos and in that without fault my sister made me fall bursting my lip and with my busted lip they took my birthday photos
  • First day of school

    my first day of class was at Celestino Mutis school
  • My first time traveling

    It was when I was 4 years old we traveled with my family to Santa Marta
  • The time my head blows up

    There was once where I was playing in the hallway with a Spiderman mask and the floor was wet. When I ran to the patio, I fell headfirst against a curb, causing my head to burst, filling the floor and mask with blood, when my sisters they saw me they didn't call my parents and while they arrived they cried for me
  • my graduation

    my graduation from school Mi Granjita