Period: to
Period: to
Heart beats regularly and eyes and ears form
Heart develops right and left chambers
Period: to
Finger prints form
Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds
Period: to
A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects
I begin to crawl
Ovulation begins
Period: to
I was in Pieces of Gold
I was in my school's chorus and we made it into pieces of gold for the second year in a row. -
I got my favorite guitar, Dreem
I got my favorite electric guitar. I named it Dreem because it was my dream guitar. -
My first guitar
I got my first guitar on Christmas . -
My first longboard
I got my first longboard on Christmas. -
Dyed my hair for the first time.
I dyed my hair orange for the first time. It was supposed to be purple but it turned out orange. -
My first bass guitar
I got my first bass guitar from Walt's guitars -
Period: to
Period: to
Skin starts to wrinkle
Aging begins
Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly