My life so far

By hcoyle
  • Internet

  • I am born

  • Columbine Massacre

  • Grandpa Paul Died

  • Attack on the Twin Towers

  • Period: to

    Iraq War

  • Facebook opens

  • Grandma Diane marries Robert Foster

  • Parents Separate

  • Hurricane Katrina

  • Dad remarries

  • Mom starts dating Jimmy

  • Paul is born

  • Period: to

    Economic Recession

  • Madalynn and Donovann are born

  • Period: to

    Barack Obama's Presidency

  • Sandy Hook Shooting

  • Boston Bombing

    I was going to join my aunt and go to the marathon.
  • Mom and Jimmy get married

  • Graduate High School

  • Grandpa Jim dies

  • 18th Birthday!

  • Period: to

    Time spent at NMU

  • Accepted to NMU

  • Jimmy diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma

  • Jimmy stops working

  • Jimmy is hospitalized

  • Period: to

    Jimmy is hospitalized

  • Car Accident

  • Jimmy begins palliative care

  • Grandma Ruth moves in

  • Jimmy stops cancer treatments

  • Cancer takes Jimmy's life

  • Jimmy's Celebration of Life is held

  • Donald Trump wins 2016 Election