My Life (So Far)

By tle10
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born in the Mater Hospital in Brisbane.
  • Holey Moley!

    Holey Moley!
    My ears were pierced when I was a few months old.
  • My Little Brother was Born

  • First day at Primary School

    First day at Primary School
    I pretty much hated everyone.
  • First ever wedding that I have attended.

    I was the flower girl for my uncle’s wedding (I didn’t scatter the rose petals!)
  • Vietnamese school

    First day of Viet Ngu Hoa Binh (Vietnamese school)
  • Passing of family

    My great-grandparents passed away in Vietnam.
  • My beloved grandmother passed away.

    My mother's mother passed away during the night. She suffered breast cancer. I loved her a lot.
  • First time going to a friend’s birthday party! Yes!

    I was so happy! I begged my parents for ages.
  • Moved to current house

    I moved with my family to our current house, where we live with my aunt and my grandma.
  • Another Uncle’s wedding

    I was a Flower girl with my younger cousins
  • Senior of the whole school.

    My friends and I received our Senior badge.
  • Last day of primary school

    I was so sad. All my friends signed my shirt, teddy bear and sheet.
  • Our Lady's Orientation Day

    It was my first time meeting everybody. :)
  • Second cousin’s wedding

    I was flower girl…AGAIN! Although this time, I didn't throw the flowers because my Mum forgot to take the petals home.
  • My first cruise!

    My family and uncle's family went on the Legend of the Seas. It was so fun!
  • First day of high school

    I met my teachers and new friends! :)