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My Life so Far

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born two years after my brother, Evan.
  • Moving

    We moved to our current house when I was two years old.
  • Gwen's birth

    Gwen's birth
    Gwen is my little cousin who was born four years after me.
  • Joining the pool

    Joining the pool
    Our family joned the Springfield Swim Club. My brother and I also swim for their swim team.
  • Bowling injury

    Bowling injury
    I cracked my eye open with a bowling ball when i was about five yers old.
  • First dog

    First dog
    This was the familys first dog and also the first family pet, her name is Coco.
  • Disney

    We went to Disney with a family freind for one week, when I was about seven years old.
  • Lacrosse

    This was my first experience at lacrosse.
  • Second dog

    Second dog
    The family got our second dog on Christmas day, his name is Harry
  • Broken foot

    Broken foot
    I broke my foot doing a flip, three days befor my second trip to Disney.
  • Kitten\cat

    We rescued this kitten\cat from the SPCA, his name is Karl with a K.