
My life so far

  • My birth day

    My birth day
    I was born in Popayán, Cauca.
  • First school day

    First school day
    I started school in 1979, I did my first grade at Jose Antonio Galan school.
  • Moving to another school

    Moving to another school
    I moved to Don Bosco school. I started my second grade. I studied there until seventh grade.
  • My city almost destroyed

    My city almost destroyed
    Popayán people experienced a really hard earthquake.
  • High school Graduation

    High school Graduation
    I graduated from High school in 1991. I did 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grade at INEM Popayán.
  • Army service

    Army service
    I was selected to do my army service. We were the first bachelor's company in the city.
  • University studies

    University studies
    I started University, I first studied accounting, I did three semesters but I didn't like that much so...
  • Modern Languages

    Modern Languages
    I started studying Modern Languages at Cauca University
  • University graduation

    University graduation
    I graduated from University in 2005. I became a licenciado in Modern languages English and French.
  • Master's studies

    Master's studies
    I moved to Manizales to start my Master in Eglish didactics, I lived in Manizales for two years.
  • Gamis Popayán

    Gamis Popayán
    I started working at Gabriela Mistral High School.
  • Specialization Studies

    Specialization Studies
    I started studying a specialization with the University of Santander