The Legend is Born
I was born on 19/7/2000 at North West Regional Hospital in Burnie which I stayed at for 4 days. I weighed was 9 pounds. -
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Living in Burnie
My First House
My First House was in 9 Heather Cresent (not to far from the hospital) I lived there for 2 years -
Brother is born :(
"sigh"...worst day of my life...enough said -
First Day of School
I went to school in Stella Marist on 28 Futuna Avenue Burnie. I was there for two years (kinder and prep) -
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Stella Marist
Moved to Hobart
Started at St Aloysius
St Aloysius -
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St Aloyisus
First International Holiday
My first international holiday was on a cruise to south-western Pacific islands including islands off the coast of Noumea and Vanauatu. There was a small island called Pentecost where they had something called land diving in which islanders build a very makeshift towers made of tree trunks and branches -
Started at Hutchins
I started at Hutchins in Year 1 and I was in Mr Groves' class. He introduced me to Finn Macrossan and Henry Mitchell so I played Dodgeball with them for the day -
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Left ELC in Hutchins
Started Junior School
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Junior School
Left Junior School
Started Middle School