My life's timeline

  • as a baby

    when i was a baby i had seizures until i was three.
  • school

    Kindergarten, it was horrible
  • at the age of 5

    at the age of 5
    When i was 5 my brother pushed me off a slide and i broke my left arm in 2 places.
  • divorce

    i was in 2 grade when my parents got a divorce.
  • dog death

    my dog Itsy died
  • I got a new dog!

    I got jack russell terrier mix
  • My brother slammed my head against a car door

    This was a very traumatic experience.
  • i moved schools

    In 2016 I moved schools
  • Started middle school.

    At first I was scared because of the new school thing but now i cant wait for it to be over.
  • Friends!

    Brooke is now my best friend
  • A teen ager!

    I turned 13 December 21
  • Boyfriend!

    I finally got a boyfriend!!!