My Life's Story

  • Born and Raised

    Born and Raised
    In was born and raised in Chandler Arizona
  • My my first ears piercied

    My my first ears piercied
    Got my ears pierced on my first birthdaym because thats what my family likes to do.
  • When I became a big sister

    When I became a big sister
    This is the year that my sister Katie was born and when i became her big sister.
  • When my 2nd sister was born

    When my 2nd sister was born
    My second sister Haili was born. She was the baby that i wanted to name tinkerbell.
  • Flagstaff

    This is where i lived through out my child hood. I lived playing in the snow and bnot having to go to school when it snowed.
  • Manuel Demiguel

    Manuel Demiguel
    My favorite Elementary school that I ever went too was this school in Flagstaff.
  • When my Brother was born

    My brother Kody was born in flagstaff az.
  • Moved to Gilbert arizona

    Moved to Gilbert arizona
    Moved to Gilbert after living in flagstaff for 11 years.
  • Got my second ears pierced

    Got my second ears pierced
    Got my ears pierced on my 13 birthday
  • Became a Jr. Higher

    Became a Jr. Higher
    The day I officaly became a jr. higher. I thought it was the collest thing.
  • When my little sister Jaidin was born

    My little sister Jaidin was born while my dad was deployed to agfhanistan.
  • When i became a Highschooler

    When i became a Highschooler
    The day i became a highschooler and had to worry about all the changing of calsses and all the 'big kids'.
  • cartlige

    Got both of my cartliage's pierced for my 15th birthday.
  • Cut my hair

    Cut my hair
    I decided to donate my hair to the children in need.
  • Going to Washington DC

    Going to Washington DC
    Going to Washington DC for my 15th trip with my grandma and cousin. It's something that we do on our 5th,10th,15th, and 20th birthday where we get to pict somewhere to go and my grandma takes us there.
  • Last Day In Gilbert

    Last Day In Gilbert
    Last day to spend in Gilbert before i move, (which is on fathers day.)
  • Moving to Montana

    Moving to Montana
    Making a big move to montana.