My life (past, present, future)

By 3002636
  • Birth

    I was born in Fond Du Lac Wisconsin at 9:33 pm at St. Agnes Hospital.
  • Walking on my own

    Walking on my own
    I first walked all by myself at 11 months and 2 weeks.
  • My first trip

    My first trip
    The first trip I ever took was to Target when I was two weeks old.
  • Brother

    My brother was born at 9:38 in St. Agnes Hospital and I became a big sister.
  • Moving

    I moved in August of 2009. I moved from my home in Fond Du Lac to my current home in Aurora.
  • Tying my shoes

    Tying my shoes
    I first tied my shoes at 4 1/2 years old.
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    I went to Hall Elementary School. My brother would also go there in a few years.
  • Scet

    I was accepted into scet and started at Jewel Middle School, away from most of my friends who went to Herget. I made tons of friends.
  • Going to Jewel

    Going to Jewel
    I was originally nervous because I didn't know anyone in my class. I have made so many friends since then though.
  • The Holocaust Museum

    The Holocaust Museum
    In 6th grade, we took a trip to the Holocaust Museum and I really enjoyed it. It changed me for the better.
  • Spanish

    I started Spanish and I really enjoy it a lot. I like Spanish and will use it someday
  • OJS

    I got into my club's OJS team (Open Juvenile Silver) and had a ton of fun. We went to Mids and got two three way ties: for fourth in the qualifying round and eighth in the final round.
  • Highschool

    I got into West Aurora High School and entered their art program and marching band (drum line).
  • Honors

    I get into honors LA and am at the top of my class.
  • XC

    I join the Cross Country Team and just enjoy myself for once. I join XC all of the years I go there.
  • Art

    I get into West's Art Program and learn so much and excel.
  • Dating

    I get my first official significant other and we break-up almost an hour later.
  • Prom

    I go to prom with my friends and have a lot of fun.
  • Graduate

    I graduate as valedictorian and go to University of Wisconsin after a gap year.
  • College

    I exit High School and decide to go to University of Wisconsin and start to major as a Biologist.
  • Dorm

    I move into my dorm with my future partner in life.
  • Second Major

    Second Major
    I take a second major in Art and enjoy my term.
  • Switch

    I figure out that I want to be a Psychologist and switch to that from a Biology major.
  • Graduation

    I graduate college and go back for a masters degree in Psychology.
  • Graduation once again

    Graduation once again
    I graduate with my masters degree and find a job quickly.
  • Engagement

    My partner proposes to me in Paris after celebrating my masters degree and almost 2 years of dating.
  • Marriage

    We get married and honeymoon in Las Vegas.
  • Accident

    Our car crashes in Vegas and we are sent home after days in hospital. I broke my wrist and shin and my partner broke their leg.
  • Apartment

    We buy our first apartment and start looking for a bigger house.
  • Child

    Our blooming daughter comes into our life like a little ray of sunshine in our time of darkness.
  • House

    We buy our first house and our daughter loves it.
  • A First

    A First
    The first flying car was invented by my partner after ages of experimentation.
  • Talk

    Talk of a war is rippling through the post and TV's all around the country. It is of opinions of whether the world is round or flat. They are equally matched.

    WWIII begins and our family is forced into our underground bunker. Trump is still president.
  • WWIII End

    WWIII End
    WWIII ends after almost 3 years of war.
  • Father

    My father sadly passed away due to natural causes but I think otherwise.
  • Mother

    My mother passed away only a few years after my father.
  • Retirement

    I retire when my daughter turns 30. It is pleasant.
  • Death

    I die from old age.