My Life. Matt Kent

  • Dad was born

    Dad was born
    My father, Micheal A. Kent, was born on the 28th of june 1961.
  • Period: to


  • Mom was born

    Mom was born
    My Mom, Judith A. Reilly, was born on the 23rd of september, 1962
  • First Super Bowl ever

    First Super Bowl ever
    The Green Bay Packers win the first Super Bowl in NFL history
  • Parents got married

    Parents got married
  • Sister was born

    Sister was born
    My Sister, Kathleen E. Kent, was born on the 23rd of October, 1990
  • My Brother born

    My Brother born
    My Brother, Micheal J. Kent, was born on the 21st of June, 1993.
  • I was born

    I was born
    I, Matthew P. Kent, was born on the 29th of Janurary, 1999
  • Period: to


  • Baptized

    I was baptized at Saint Anthonys.
  • First vacation

    First vacation
    My first vacation was to Cape Cod where I tried to eat the beach sand.
  • Threw my first ball

    Threw my first ball
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    I took my first steps.
  • First word

    First word
    My first word was "mama".
  • First Haircut

    First Haircut
    I loved getting my haircut.
  • 9/11 terrorism attack on the world trade center in New York City.

    9/11 terrorism attack on the world trade center in New York City.
  • First baseball game

    First baseball game
    I go to my first baseball game when the Chicago White Sox beat the Detroit Tigers. I was scared of the fireworks when they hit a homerun.
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    I have my first day of school with Mrs. Koser.
  • Went to Diseny World

    Went to Diseny World
  • My Grandpa died

    My Grandpa died
    My Grandpa passed away at the age of 70 from leukemia disease.
  • Osama Bin Laden killed

    Osama Bin Laden killed
    Osama Bin Laden, the leader of a terrorism group called Al-Qaeda, killed by seal team 6.
  • Uncle Dave leaves for Afganistan

    Uncle Dave leaves for Afganistan
    My Uncle Dave leaves to fight the war on terror. USA,USA,USA.