My life map

By AuroraF
  • Legend

  • Legend

  • Legend

  • Legend

  • Legend

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on June 28th 2006 in Lindsay, Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
  • I moved

    When I was 3 years old i moved from Linday to St.Thomas
  • Period: to

    I made friends

    I made one of my first friends at my mom's work as my friend's mom and my mom worked together. and as I got older I made friends at school and other places such as programs at the library, etc. family, education
  • Period: to

    (Detour) I changed my mind several times about my career

    I changed my mind a lot over my lifetime about what I wanted to do with my career. I had no idea what I wanted to do. When I was little I wanted to be a doctor and then a vet and then when I was older I wanted to be a psychologist, a corporate lawyer and then I finally decided on being a librarian. At some points I had to adjust my classes for high school, but then changed my mind
  • My first cousin was born

    My  first cousin was born
    On February 25th, 2009, my cousin Caitlyn was born
  • I started school

    I started school
    I started kindergarten at Forrest Park Public School. When I started Kindergarten, according to my mom I said something to her along the lines of "see you later mom" showing that I was excited and not scared about started school
  • Period: to

    I got awards in elementary school

    when I was in younger grades in elementary school I received awards for good behaviour, I think one was walking down the halls quietly, for empathy, and initiative. Education, family
  • My second cousin was born

    My second cousin was born
    My second cousin Amber was born
  • I got a dog

    I got a dog
    I got my dog, a now 8-year-old Labrador retriever named Chloe. She was a surprise, I had no idea that we were getting a dog
  • Challenge: My cat died

     Challenge: My cat died
    My cat Hunter died. She was 18 and mostly deaf. This was the first time that I remember someone dying. I was very fond of her and we had her before I was born so I had her my whole life at this point. She was also the first pet I had ever had. Interestingly Hunter got her name because we thought she was a boy, but when it was found out she was a girl we kept the name.
  • Period: to

    Challenge: My second cat died

    My second cat, Tony died. He was originally thought to be a girl and was named Ivy when he was discovered to be a boy I renamed him Tony after my favourite character from a TV show I like. He wasn't very old maybe a year or two and he wasn't really sure what happened to him. He was an indoor cat, but wanted to be an outdoor cat and he would often escape from our apartment but never went far. I couldn't remember the exact date but I have a rough idea
  • I Graduated from Elementary school

    I Graduated from Elementary school
    Due to COVID, I did not actually get a graduation ceremony, but I picked up my diploma and my award from the school and just went on to high school
  • I stated high school at CECI

    I stated high school at CECI
    I started high school at CECI, grade 9 was really a weird blur because we were online for half of it and in-person for the other half and were in cohorts. 10th grade was a bit more normal, we had 2 classes a day and it would alternate each week. Finally we got to see what high school was like and we had the 4 classes everyday and then in Grade 12 we stated having the 3rd / 4th period flip
  • Challenge: My mom was diagnosed with cancer

     Challenge: My mom was diagnosed with cancer
    My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was something that never happened before and it was quite scary as it has always been just the 2 of us and my mom and I are quite close. Everything is fine, she finished chemo in May. (healthcare and family)
  • Challenge: I failed to get my G1

     Challenge: I failed to get my G1
    I tried to get my G1 and passed on the tried try. I did study the book before I went, but it was a long time after that I went to write the test. I did well on the sign portion, but not so much on the rules of the road (i couldn't remember) After I found out I failed I paid for the test again and failed again. I then studied the book again, wrote the test in the new year and just passed on the third try
  • My sweet 16

    My sweet 16
    I turned 16
  • I got my G1

    I got my G1
    I finally got my G1 on my third try (culture and family)
  • I went to Niagara Falls

    I went on a day trip to Niagra Falls with my Grandpa the day after my birthday. I had not been to Niagra Falls since I was really little, so I do not remember it. The trip was a complete surprise that I did not expect at all. We both had a fun time and I got lots of pictures
  • I applied to university

    I applied to university
    I applied to Western and Huron for English. (Family and school)
  • Challenge: I had to decide what university offer to accept

     Challenge: I had to decide what university  offer to accept
    I applied to two schools, Western and Huron, for English. After I found out I got into both schools, I had to choose which one. I toured both during the spring open houses. Western had very specific creative writing classes that I was interested in taking during my degree, but the campus was huge and easy to get lost in. Huron had smaller classes and a lot of other things I liked. I was also able to meet a professor and a student in the program and hear about what the program was like.
  • I got into university and accepted an offer

    I got into university and accepted an offer
    I got into both universities and decided to accept the offer from Huron (me and school)
  • The future

  • I started at Huron

    I started at Huron
    I started at Huron for my BA
  • I got my first job

    I got my first job
    I got my first job, preferably at a bookstore or library
  • I graduated from Huron

    I graduated from Huron
    I graduated from Huron with a BA in English and Cultural Studies
  • I started at Western for my masters

    I started at Western for my masters
    I started at Western to get my master's degree
  • Graduated form Western with masters

    Graduated form Western with masters
    I graduated from Western with a Master of Library and Information Science
  • Challenge: My Grandma died

    Challenge: My Grandma died
    My Grandma died. This was very sad as she was the only grandma I knew. I had spent a lot of time with her as she babysat me when I was little and I was always over at her and my grandpa's house
  • I left my first job

    I left my first job
    I left my first job after graduation
  • Challenge: I had trouble finding a job

    Challenge: I had trouble finding a job
    I had a hard time finding a job. I applied to university libraries for a job but didn't get any due to lack of experience
  • I found a job

    I found a job
    I got a job at the St.Thomas library, thanks to excellent references from connections I have there
  • I got a job at the Huron Library

    I got a job at the Huron Library
    I wanted to work at the library of a smaller university and got a job at Huron, where I did my bachelor's. and left my job at the St.Thomas Libary
  • Period: to

    I traveled

    Because I now could afford to do so, I travelled. I went to all the places I wanted to go: Italy, France, Scotland, Ireland, etc
  • I met my husband

    I met my husband
    I met my husband
  • I got married

    I got married
    I got married in the gardens in Casa Loma. It was a nice ceremony with all our family and friends. my dress was a light pink colour because I am terrible at wearing white
  • (Detour): I had to find a university for my MFA

    (Detour): I had to find a university for my MFA
    I wanted to get an MFA in creative writing, I did not need the degree but wanted it so I could improve my writing skills so I could get started on my book and maybe have a chance with the publishers. There were only a few places in Canada where I could get it. I applied to the one in B.C. for part-time. It was a special distance program and got in. I would have rather something in the same province but it worked out.
  • Challenge: I found out I was going to have a child

    Challenge: I found out I was going to have a child
    I found out I was going to have a child. This normally would not be as much of a problem, but we had a lot going on we both worked full-time, and I was doing my MFA online and working on my book. I decided I would take extra time off after the baby was born because I did not want to leave my job
  • Challenge: My book was rejected by publishers

    Challenge: My book was rejected by publishers
    I sent my book (a collection of short detective stories) to several publishers and it was rejected by all of them. It was my dream to write a book
  • My child was born

    My child was born
    My first child was born. It was a girl, named Lilly Marianne. Because I have always liked the name Lilly and my Grandma's name is Marianne (Family, healthcare)
  • Challenge: My Grandpa died

    Challenge: My Grandpa died
    My Grandpa died. This was very said as he was the only grandpa I knew. I spent a lot of time with him. He taught me how to drive and would take me to vintage car shows with him
  • My book was published

    My book was published
    My book was finally published. After being rejected by the publishers, I decided to put my technical skills to use and self-publish my book on Amazon, the book was a success and I earned a lot of money.
  • I got my MFA in Creative Writing

    I got my MFA in Creative Writing
    I graduated from the University of British Colombia with my MFA in Creative Writing after 3 years of hard work