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My life = LIT

  • I was Born

    I was Born
  • My brother was born

    My brother was born
  • I started my favorite sport, soccer

    I started my favorite sport, soccer
  • I started Kingergarten

    I started Kingergarten
  • I started 4th grade at E.G. Hewiit

    I started 4th grade at E.G. Hewiit
  • I fractured my foot

    I fractured my foot
  • I got my first dog Chloe

    I got my first dog Chloe
  • I went to the Dominican Republic

    I went to the Dominican Republic
  • I went to Nagshead, South Carolina

    I went to Nagshead, South Carolina
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
  • I stared Highschool

    I stared Highschool
  • I went to Chicago

    I went to Chicago
  • I went to prom

    I went to prom
    Sophomore year