Birth day!
It was a girl! Kellie and Jeff Levine have given birth to a beauty baby girl in Los Angeles, California. -
Start of 8th Grade
Today,I started 8th grade. I joined 8th choir with Mr. Stortch. -
8th Grade Graduation
I graduated Prairie Jr. High on May 29! 3 goals I achieved were participating in Choir, being on the 8th Grade Basketball team, and became a service club officer. -
Start of High School
I am attending Alan B. Shepard High School. -
Reading and Language Arts
My final goal is to take Reading and Language arts because I want more Knowladge on reading and languge so I could possibly write a book one day. -
High School Basketball
I tried out and made the female Shepard basketball team. -
After basketball has ended and spring starts to come around, I made the softball team for Shepard High School -
Spainish Class
I decided to take a Spainish class to try to become bilingual. -
I decided to also take Chemistry because I love experiments and learning about science. -
High School Graduation
After all my hard work, I finally graduated High School! Obstacles I could possibly face are college decisions and other career choices. -
Starting College
I attended Standford in California. I want to become a professional athelte (Basketball) I must have a High School diploma. My salory is 43,740$ Per year. -
College Graduation
Today, I graduated College. I hope to have my parents, sister, and old friends on this wonderful day, On this day, I felt like I could accomplish anything. -
I tried out for the WNBA and I made the Chicago team, -
I have been married, and moved to California. -
I have a baby girl and I'm naming her Katniss. -
Paris, France
I traveled to Paris with my best friend Kaci. -
Softball Team
After a few years of basketakball, I decided to take a break and play softball for a while. -
I died of being ran over by a Semi truck. I died at the age 89.