My Life: Jayda Harris

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    On the day of July 8, 2003, I came into the world. My mother and father then named me 'Jayda Kyara Skye Harris'.
  • My 2nd Birthday

    My 2nd Birthday
    By the time I was two, my mother knew that I was to be a very intelligent and athletic girl.
  • My Brother Was Born

    My Brother Was Born
    My brothers' birthday is very significant to me because he was given up for adoption. However, I still see and visit him frequently so it's as if he never left.
  • My Best Friends' Death

    My Best Friends' Death
    My great grandpa died in September of 2006. I've never to this day cried or been as hurt at a funeral than I was at his.
  • My Little Sister Was Born

    My Little Sister Was Born
    On May 15, 2008, my little sister, my rock, my first love, was born.
  • My Cat Died

    My Cat Died
    On this day, my grandpa was coming home from work, and accidentally ran over my cat, Ibby. I never got another cat, until I got older.
  • I Learned How To Ride A Bike

    I Learned How To Ride A Bike
    I had been practicing my bike riding for months on end, and on this date, I finally mastered it.
  • Helping The Homless

    Helping The Homless
    In 2010, I wanted to help the homeless. So I went out with my aunt and bought some breakfast for a homeless man.
  • Lost My First TWO Teeth

    Lost My First TWO Teeth
    Two of my teeth were loose at the time, and I decided to pull both out. :)
  • My Mom Found Her Future Husband

    My Mom Found Her Future Husband
    My mom finding her soulmate is important to me because I want her to always be happy, and he has made her the happiest.
  • I Met My Step Sisters For The First Time

    I Met My Step Sisters For The First Time
    Around this day, I met my step sisters. They were the new addition to the family.
  • I Went On My First Trip With My Sister(s)

    I Went On My First Trip With My Sister(s)
    This was the first family trip I went on with my new step sisters.
  • I Got Into My First Bad Argument With My Mom

    I Got Into My First Bad Argument With My Mom
    My mom confronted me and said I was the reason her and her boyfriend argued all of the time. And I told her I hated her which was hard because I was so young.
  • I Claimed A Dog From Down The Street

    I Claimed A Dog From Down The Street
    I found my best friend, Roxy, starving and pregnant. So I helped her until she had her kids and then we gave her to new and better owners along with her kids.
  • I Got My First Phone

    I Got My First Phone
    My first phone was from my Granny and it was an iPhone 4s.
  • I Made Fang Dance Officer

    I Made Fang Dance Officer
    In Fang Dance, Mrs. Phillips made the tradition to have officers, so me and three other girls are now the first ever officers of the Fang Dance drill team. New tradition!
  • I Became Honor Society President

    I Became Honor Society President
    I was inducted into Honor Society on this date. I am now the president of the National Junior Honor Society.
  • I Met My Best Friend/Life Counselor

    I Met My Best Friend/Life Counselor
    She helps me with my problems every Tuesday and sometime we go out and do things together. She is amazing.
  • I Made JV Volleyball As An Incoming Freshman

    I Made JV Volleyball As An Incoming Freshman
    I can't believe I made JV as a freshman. OMG
  • I Made The NHS Varsity Diamonettes

    I Made The NHS Varsity Diamonettes
    I topped off the year by making the Diamonettes. I was so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!