My Life

  • Moved to Arkadelphia

    I moved to Arkadelphia when I was 5 years old. While my mom and I were moving, she got ecoli, and had to be hospitalized. We also got a puppy on the way down here. It is significant to me because I made several new friends and adapted to a new place.
  • Moving to a new house

  • Covid

    I hate Covid because it made me fat. Being fat made me sad. My grandma fed me only fried foods and Little Debbie treats.
  • 8th Grade Year

    8th grade year was packed with lots of eventful things. I met the worst people I ever have that year. They ruined my life. The two years they were here, everybody hated them.
  • Freshman Year

    Freshman year was my favorite school year. I met many new friends on the soccer team, had fun at football games, and learned how to drive. The people I met freshman year are some of my favorite people.