HIGE Assessment

  • Not a nought jobs

    Not a nought jobs
    In 1783 machines where being invented to do jobs, so people moved to the city to get a job, it was over populated and there where no more jobs so they turned to theft.
  • No where to send the convicts

    No where to send the convicts
    In 1783 the Americas won the war of independence so the British couldn't send the convicts to them any more.
  • British Hulks where full

    British Hulks where full
    In 1783 the hulks where too full due to the over population and the increase of theft.
  • The First Feet has left

    The First Feet has left
    In 1787 11 ships named The First Fleet left for Australia, approximately 1,480 people where on one ship.
  • Canary Island

    Canary Island
    The First Fleet stopped at Canary Island to get more supplies.
  • Rio-de Janeiro

    Rio-de Janeiro
    The First Fleet stopped at Rio-de Janeiro to get even more supplies.
  • Cape of Good Hope

    Cape of Good Hope
    The First Fleet stopped at the Cape of Good Hope to get another lode of supplies.
  • Botany Bay

    Botany Bay
    The First Fleet land at Botany Bay but they moved to Sydney Cove.
  • Sydney Cove

    Sydney Cove
    The First Fleet Move to Sydney Cove because Botany Bay was not sustainable at that time.
  • Smallpox out brake

    Smallpox out brake
    In 1789 there was a smallpox out brake that killed a lot of the Aboriginals and their was a big decrease in the Aboriginal population because the British bought the disease with them on the First Fleet.
  • Pemulwuy

    Pemulwuy was an Aboriginal leader, him and his family stole animals, food from the British and burnt they farms.
  • Phillip has been speared

    Phillip has been speared
    Governor Phillip was speared by the Aboriginals with a revenge spear in
  • Bennelong

    Bennelong was kidnapped with a another Aboriginal his name was Colebee soon after they were kidnapped Colebee escaped then 6 months later Bennelong escaped. Bennelong went back to Governor Phillip and they became fends, then in 1792 they went to England.