My Life

  • Birth

    At 6:30 in the morning I was born.
  • Finally double digits

    Finally double digits
    Im officially 10 years old.
  • Ohio

    I MOVE TO OHIO with my mom and my younger sister.
  • Highschool

    My first day of highschool being a freshman.
  • Vacation

    I go to Michigan with my one friend for a whole week. Where we did a bunch cool activities
  • My 16th Birthday

    My 16th Birthday
    The day I got my drivers licensed and I could officially drive.
  • Move to Arizona

    Move to Arizona
    I finally come back to Ariozna .
  • My first Job

    My first Job
    On January 7 I work at mcdonalds in chandler for over a year
  • My 18th birthday

    My 18th birthday
    Im officially an adult.
  • Graduate

    I plan on graduating mesquite high school on may 2019.