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By aoliva8
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on October 10th at 8:23 am in St Francis hospital in Blue Island, IL.
  • My first day of school

    My first day of school
    This was me getting ready to attend my first day of pre-school. I was nervous and excited to meet new people.
  • The start of my creativity

    The start of my creativity
    Since I first started receiving projects in school I was determined to coming up with new ideas and expressing my creativity. With some of my moms help I was able to create this project for my 100th day of school and won an award for doing something different.
  • Met my stepmom

    Met my stepmom
    Meeting my stepmom was one of the most important times in my life. It was hard for me at first but I became adaptable. She raised me and is a big influence on the person I am today.
  • My surgery

    My surgery
    When I was in first grade I was rushed to the hospital during school and had to get emergency surgery. I had to stay in the hospital for a week and had many visitors. Going back to school felt so good since all of my classmates welcomed me back.
  • Dance recital

    Not too long after my surgery I had to learn my dance routine in a week. Through this I was being adaptable because even though I was still in pain and starting to walk again I didn't let it stop me.
  • Moved and started at a new school

    Moved and started at a new school
    Moving away from my family and friends was hard but it was for the best. But even then I went into the new school with confidence. I can't imagine how I would've turned out if I didn't move with my stepmom. I made so may new friends and grew as a person.
  • Became a big sister

    Became a big sister
    My little sisters birth was very special for me since I grew up as an only child. I was enthusiastic to take on the responsibilities of being a big sister.
  • Cutting my hair

    Cutting my hair
    Cutting off more than half of my hair was something that was hard for me but the passion I had to learn how to take care of it got me through it. If I never cut my hair I wouldn't be where I'm at today. There is still so much to learn but I am excited to become more educated.
  • Spirit Week Committee

    Spirit Week Committee
    In 8th grade me and my friends all came together and took leadership to create the spirit week committee. Everyday we came together to create different activities for the entire school K-8 during the holiday seasons. At graduation we all received a special award thanking us for our dedication to the school.
  • Graduation

    My 8th grade graduation finally came and I was very excited to start high school and meet new people.
  • Visited where I'm from for the first time

    Visited where I'm from for the first time
    As my first time going our of state I was very excited and curious to see what it would be like where I'm from. I was very shocked to see the difference both physically and culturally. It took some adjusting but sure enough after a couple of days I I fell in love. Through this experience I became resourceful.
  • Visited Mexico 2nd time

    Visited Mexico 2nd time
    Being able to visit two different parts of Mexico in one summer was truly a blessing. It showed me how different places can be and made me appreciate what I have here at home. Some people aren't as fortunate and we need to be grateful for what we can have.
  • Sweet 16

    Sweet 16
    Having my sweet sixteen was a special moment for me. I had all of my family and friends there to celebrate me and I am happy that I was able to experience this.
  • Personal project fair

    Personal project fair
    My personal project was something that I was very compassionate about. The process of creating it really stressed me out but using my creativity and confidence in the knowledge I have about curly hair pushed me. I got accepted into the personal project fair and I feel very proud to say that I was able to educate and help some people with their hair.
  • Made new friends

    Made new friends
    Becoming friends with Belle and Grace has taught me so much. They both have showed me what it's like to have real friends who care.
  • Taking IB Art

    Taking IB Art
    IB Art has been challenging this year but I am very grateful for how much it has taught me. I am able to have artistic freedom to an extent and learn new things. I have seen so much growth in my artistic ability and Im only half way through my junior year.
  • Little sister

    Little sister
    Being an older sister truly takes patience. Even though I don't get to see her much I am grateful for the time I do. My patience is something that I have had to work on because of her. She can be difficult at times but I have learned It is not worth it to stay mad at her.
  • Attending my 7th concert

    Attending my 7th concert
    Being able to see one of my favorite artists, Billie Eilish was such a great experience. I would do anything to attend the concert for a second time. Concerts are one of my favorite things to do especially when I know the artist so well.
  • Becoming a cousin

    Becoming a cousin
    On December 9th of 2024, my first cousin on my dads side was born. I had to wait a couple of weeks to finally meet her and when I finally did she was so tiny.