
My life

  • my born

    my born
    my born was at november 28, my family was very happy, i was the first girl at the family, and all the people was exidded.
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    when I was a baby my family organized my baptism, with all my family.
  • my kinder garden

    my kinder garden
    I love my garden, my mom tell me that all days that I have to go there, I was very happy because I was very indulged in my garden.
  • my first school

    my first school
    I remember that my first school was "Gimnasio Britanico" that was my school from kinder to 5th grade. I change to other school in that grade.
  • my best travell

    my best travell
    my best travell was the disney cruise, was like a dream I liked so much
  • I change my school

    I change my school
    when I was going to pass to 6th grade I change my school, it was a desition of my mom, I was very sad but then I acept that change, so I study in Rochester School.
  • An other change

    An other change
    at finish 6th grade ar Rochester School, I got some problems and I deside to change the school. I talk with the dean of the shool and he tell me that if I want to stay at the school, but I say no...
  • My actually school

    My actually school
    when I was searching for a school I come the Jose Max Leon school because of my brother so I do the admision exam and enter to study here.
  • my first pet

    my first pet
    On november 25th my mom decide to buy me a pet, his name is Dante, a Golden Retriever.
  • NOW

    In this school i´m very happy, i have firends