i was born
i started to walk
and to run :D -
Period: to
International School
from kindergarden to grade 6 -
i learnt to skii
with my father -
i learnt water-skiing
in Sicily -
Period: to
i changed house
i moved to my father's house -
i started to dive
firstly in Maldives then in other places -
Period: to
i moved back
i moved back to my mom's house -
i knew prof kone
w prof terun cornut -
i acheived to driving license
and started driving my scooter -
passed without debiti
oleeeeee.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
new year
its 2014 -
i got the scheda di matematica
only scritto -.- -
milan lost again: 1-3 to Napoli
yeah Seedorf changed many things, but points are essentail prof :P