my life

  • my birth

    my birth
    once in barrancabermeja, a beautiful girl was born on january 24.
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    after six months i started a while i started walking.
  • my words

    my words
    I started to say my first words.
  • my birthday

    my birthday
    at three years old they celebrated my birthday and they gave me a party.
  • my first day in the nursery

    my first day in the nursery
    I entered the nursery and made new friends.
  • my gift

    my gift
    they gave me a kitten.
  • first day of writing

    first day of writing
    I went to kindergarten and started writing.
  • first day of class

    first day of class
    between the first year of primary school, and met new colleagues.
  • my funny teacher

    my funny teacher
    I went to the second year and had a very funny teacher.
  • my trip

    my trip
    I went to third year and i traveled with my parents to cartagena.
  • ride with my classmates

    ride with my classmates
    I went to elementary school and walk with my classmates.
  • my graduation

    my graduation
    I was doing, fifth and i graduated and they gave me a diploma.
  • First day of class

    First day of class
    later i attended the sixth year of nigh school and made new friends at the school camilo torres restrepo.
  • when it passes to seventh

    I went to seventh and started to decide what i wanted to do in the future and i met my new group director: nibia.
  • when I go to eighth

    went to eighth and had the same director that is all good.
  • I was still with my sixth classmates

    I went to ninth and i was with the same sixth classmates and the same director, it´s very fun.
  • I'm still in the Camilo Torres

    I'm still in the Camilo Torres
    i´m finally doing tenth and i´m still with my own classmates and have two group directors, and i like it a lot.