My Life

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I was born in Osaka,Japan
  • Horseback riding

    Horseback riding
    I rode a horse when I was 3 years old and I still love horseback riding.
  • Elementary school

    Elementary school
    I entered elementary school.
  • I got my new family

    I got my new family
    We got a adorable dog, he is my family, my brother, my most important thing in the world.
  • I got my besties

    I got my besties
    I joined Japanese Archrey club and got great besties.
  • Japanese Archery

    Japanese Archery
    I joined Japanese archery club, that is my favorite sport!!
  • I got my second family

    I got my second family
    I got host family. Thay are my second family.
  • Exchange year

    Exchange year
    I came Arizona 07/14/2021 as an exchange student.
  • Homecoming!!

    I went to homecoming with my freinds that was my first party.
  • Halloween

    That was my first time to do trick or treat