Pictures from other laptop 005

My life events 1980-2020

By briana7
  • Birth

    On October 10th, 1998, I was born by my mother Elizabeth at Rhode Island Hospital.
  • First steps

    First steps
    A little over a year after I was born, I started taking my first steps and began to walk.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    This is when i started my first day of kindergarten. I remember i was super excited to be able to ride the big kid bus with all my friends.
  • Learned to ski

    Learned to ski
    I learned how to ski with my cousins. This was my first time ever skiing. i was not scared at all and had so much fun. We skiied at Wachusett Mountain.
  • Family Trip

    Family Trip
    This was the first time my whole family went on a trip together. We went to Disney World in Florida during April vacation.
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    I made my First Communion at the Our Lady of the Rosary church. I was in second grade. That was the day where we got holy bread from the preist and he blessed us.
  • First day of middle school

    First day of middle school
    This is when i started my first day of middle school. I remember i was really nervous because we had to walk from class to class, but after the first day i was so excited.
  • Braces off

    Braces off
    After 3 years i finally got my braces off, and just in time before high school started. I went bright and early to the dentist and they took off my braces. It felt really weird with them off but I was happy!
  • Confirmation

    In April i will be making my Confirmation. After 10 years of attending CCD, i will no longer have too after Confirmation. What happens is I get blessed by the preist and I am now fully part of the christian faith.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    This is when i will be graduating from Cumberland High School. It will be a sad day, but one I will never forget. But i still have two more years of high school to live out.