My Life

  • The 1996 Summer Olympics

    The 1996 Summer Olympics
    Took place in Atlanta Georgia from July 19th to August 4th. The Summer games were the first to be staged in a different year from the Winter games.
  • Period: to


  • Human trials for Aids Vaccine

    Human trials for Aids Vaccine
    Searched for a possible cure, though none was found. Vaccine would not give AIDs but hopefully treat it, they will take place in St.Louis, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Philadelphia.
  • 9/11 Terriost Attacks

    Suicide bombers crashed planes into the twin towers.
  • U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan: operation Anaconda

    Ended March 19th after killing 500 taliban, 11 western troop fatalities.
  • Space Shuttle Columbia Takes off

    Space Shuttle Columbia Takes off
    takes off for mission STS-107 which would be its final one. Columbia disintegrated 16 days later on re-entry.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    damage total was 81 billion
  • Global Financial Crisis

    Global Financial Crisis
    Many companies went bankrupt in the U.S.
  • Barack Obama Inuaguration

    First African American president
    nobel peace prize
  • Osama Bin Laden Shot By U.S. forces in Pakistan

    most wanted man in world killed
  • Government Shutdown

    lost production equaled 2 billion