My life

  • My home town and the war

    My home town and the war
    Iraqi forces invaded my home town Kuwait
  • free Kuwait

    free Kuwait
    After a month of fighting in a war lead by united nation troops , Kuwait was free
  • My wedding

    My wedding
    I met the love of my life ans got married in a beautiful ceremony
  • the birth of my oldest son

    the birth of my oldest son
    He was so beauitful. It is the day I've became a mother. It is my real mother day date. now he is almost 15 years old.
  • The birth of my second son Amr

    The birth of my second son Amr
    It was scary delivery. I had ti had a c-section because his eart beat would drop with contraction. when he was born , he didn't cry for 3 minute. The longest 3 min of my life. Now he's a health 11 year old
  • My little angel

    My little angel
    I was 3 months pregnant with her and didn't even knew it. She is the most wonderful surprise and a gift from above
  • trip to Italy

    trip to Italy
    Thanks to technical difficulty on an air plane taking us to Palistine, We ended up staying in Italy for a week. we visited lots of historic site inclouding the Vatican
  • going back to college

    going back to college
    I went back to finish my education. It was one of the biggest life changing dicision. Can't wait till 2016 when I graduate