when i was born
The day i was born -
my 1st birthday
my parents had already got a divisors and i lived with my mom -
4th birthday
i went to live with my aunt while my mom went to an all day all night church school -
the day i moved back in with my mom
when my mom got cancer
a few days after my 5th birthday i found out my mom had cancer -
when i went to kindergarden
my little brothers birth
he was so small and looked like a doll -
the day my brother came home
i cried because no one was paying attention to me -
when i switched schools
my dog vv died
we buried her in back yard -
i got a new dog
when i went to splashtown for the first time
when i got a cat
when my cat had kittens
when my cat ran away
when 3 of my kittens ran away
when my grandma found one kitten...dead
my 13th birthday
when my grandmas dog died
when my grandmas other dog died(my favorite)