Born in Kenosha Hospital, Born with heart condition (hole in heart), Born blue because embilcal cord wrapped around neck, Mom had to get a C-section. 3 weeks late. -
Heart Surgery
Heart surgery at 1, at Childrens Hospital in Milwaukee, Heart started pumping on its own when put back in. Left lung callaped, Basically dead/frozen. Could relate to Cognitive development because it could have effected me mentally when they put my heart back in sometimes things go wrong and people don't recover as well -
Moving from childhood home
Cried while packing, lived there threw elementry school, Relates to psychosocial development because change in the environment. New house new surroundings -
Broke Arm
While bmxing, Fell over the handle bars, In a cast for like a month, Broke one of the cast, One cast glew in the dark., 3 different casts -
Second Heart surugery
No problems, -
Finish College
Went to parkside, Got batchlor, Looking for good career -
Got Married
Had Beautiful wedding, Beautiful wife, Honeymoon in jamacia, relates to psychosocial because of that new relationship being built -
Have Babies
Has 1 son, Named Jacob John Stewart III, Have Heart Suregury just his father. Surivived and is a healthy baby. Could relate to Moral development because now I have an understanding now I have to take care of my son and be a father understand this change