My Life

By Freori1
  • Period: to

    MY LIFE at 80

    I am going to live to be a 80 years .
  • Got a Little Sister!!

    Got my little sister, Jade
  • Lost my Grandpa

    I lost my Grandpa on my mom's side
  • Broke my toes

    Broke my Toes on July four by falling of a scooter
  • Got surgery

    I got surgery to remo e my tonsils because I couldn't Breathe Right
  • Lost my Grandma

    I lost my Grandma on my mom's side
  • Start Highschool

    I started Highschool!
  • Get my first car

    I get my first car as i turn 16!!!
  • Get my first job

    I get my first job as a junior.I will be a lifeguard at Mcgaw YMCA in evanston
  • Graduate Highschool

  • Attend U of I

    I finally get to start college!
  • Get a new Job

    I need to get a new job.
  • Graduate U of I

    I finally graduated college! I now get to start my life as an adult
  • Get another new job

    I get a new higher paying job then the last two.
  • Get an Appartment

    I stop living with my friend and I am out of the dorm. Its time to find an appartment for me
  • Buy my first real House

    I finally buy my first real house! No more living in that tiny old appartment
  • Get married

    I finally get married and now live in the same roof with the girl I love
  • Have kids

    I finally have a full family!
  • Move to a bigger house!

    Since I got that promotion, I am now able to move to a bigger house!
  • Win the PowerBall Grand Prize of 500 million dollars

    I won the grandprize and now I am set for the rest of my life.
  • Get my first dog as an adult

    I finally get my first dog. I want to spend the rest of my life with my new best friend
  • Become vp of the company I work for

    I get promoted again! I am now the VP of the company I've worked for since college! Pay raise!
  • I finally retire

    I finally retire my VP position and live the rest of my life. I still have my 500 million from the grandprize
  • I play golf

    I finally take up golf to pass time before I travel the World
  • I travel the world

    I travel the world, now retired. I have all the free time in the world
  • Buy a lamnorghini

    Now with all of my saved 500 milion. I buy a lamborghini because old people have nice cars
  • I die

    I have to die at some point. I die at the age of 82 from a sevre heart attack