On the 7 of September 2006 Hayden Wright was officially born, I was born in the Bacchus Marsh hospital Sunbury, Victoria Austarlia. -
1st B'day
7th of September Hayden turned 1 -
Last year of kinder...
In 2011, Hayden attended kinder at Sunningdale kinder in Goonawarra and officially finished kinder ready for a knew start... -
started primary
Hayden started primary school at Sunbury West in Sunbury Victoria. -
First holiday/ first plane trip
in 2013 I went on my first plane trip and my first holiday it was inter state in Queensland. -
First over seas trip
In 2014 we went to Fiji and it was the most awesome experience ever. -
from 2015 to 2017 I had Achilles problems, I almost tore a ligmaent but I dint then I just had sore achilles everyday for 2 years. -
In 2015 I went on a cruise to one of the pacific islands. -
2016 grand final
in 2016 western bulldogs won the grand final!!! -
year 6
in 2018 Hayden finished primary school with a sport award and house captain, he graduated happily and saying good bye to ll my best mates. -
year 7
I started high school at Salesian College 2019.