My Life

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Born at Valley Hospital Jan, 11th '99 at 7:01pm
  • Period: to

    Started Dance Class

    I danced at the King Centre for most pf my life, learning tap, ballet, and jazz. I did acro for only seventh grade. Then I quit in May of 2013 because I was going to into high school and I realized I was a bad dancer and it wasn't cute anymore.
  • Started Softball

    Started Softball
    When the love for the game came to be.
  • West Coast Vacation

    West Coast Vacation
    I wen to Caifornia for 10 days with my family to visit my mother's side of the family for the first time.
  • Started High school

    Started High school
    Started Freshman year in 2013 and it was the grossest year of my life.
  • My Relationship

    My Relationship
    happier than I ever thought I could be.
  • When My Brother Left For The Army

    When My Brother Left For The Army
    My older brother, Tommy left for Fort Sill Oklahoma in the middle of the summer, 6 after graduating high school at the age of 18. I never knew what it felt to miss someone so much and or that it was possible to be so unbelievably proud of someone.
  • Period: to

    My Break Up

    This was not a fun time
  • Date of Graduation

    Date of Graduation