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my Life

  • when I was born

    when I was born
    I born on the 23 of march in Pachuca hidalgo, I was living in Actopan Hidalgo. I have 2 brethren, 1 sister and 1 brother.
  • 1 year

    1 year
    when I comply my first year I was a a big party, it was all my family in there, my uncles, and my cousins.
  • when my niece was born

    when my niece was born
    my niece was born, she was the first niece they I have, she was daughter of my sister.
  • my first travel

    my first travel
    I went to United States, I went to San Francisco in christmas with my parents and mi brothers
  • my first pet

    my first pet
    my dad buys my first pet, in the actuality I still have it, she's like my best friend, she's sleep with me, and I play with her.
  • I enter to primary

    I enter to primary
    it was my first day in the school, I was happy, it was my 2 year in the American School of Pachuca.
  • my first sport

    my first sport
    i start playing American futboll, I was playing in the oseznos team, I like so much because it was very fun
  • Cancun traveled .

    Cancun traveled .
    I went to Cancun with my father and his family, we went with my sister, my niece, my aunt and my cousin, it was really fun
  • I visit Disney

    I visit Disney
    I went to Disney in Los Angeles, it was my first time they I go, it was very fun, I like it.
  • born a cousin

    born a cousin
    it was born my favorite cousin, I was waiting with a lot of love, he is very cool.
  • my first iPhone

    my first iPhone
    my dad buys me my first iPhone, it was in my birthday I was very happy because I have a cellphone, I can communicate with my friends.
  • my nephew borns

    my nephew borns
    it born my favorite nephew, I was very exited when I now they my sister is pregnant, when he was born I was vey happy.
  • a new nephew born

    a new nephew born
    my brother had his first child, is really cool boy, I love play with him, is very funny and happy, I like when he is laughing, I like play with all my Nephews, is cool when we fight.
  • I learned to drive

    I learned to drive
    my dad taught me to drive car, I like because I was feeling exited because I was driving a car, it was fun, but to I scare, now I now drive a big truck, in high school mi dad is gone give me a car, I like sport cars
  • I went to six flags on my birthday

    I went to six flags on my birthday
    I went to six flags with some friends, and with my dad, he has very fun. I like that visit to the park, we going up to a lot of games, it was fun because is not he same be with friends than be with your father, so I was fun with my friends.
  • I went to Las Vegas

    I went to Las Vegas
    in new year I travel to Las Vegas in car and I meet new places, I went to Las Vegas, Disney, universal studios, Tijuana, la paz, los cabos, Sinaloa, Guadalajara and Pachuca, it was a biggest traveled, I know whales in los cabos, and a lot of natural places
  • Expo cars

    Expo cars
    I went to a expo of sport cars, I love the cars. I see 4 Ferraris, I like one of them the 438 Italia, is beautiful, to I like MClaren P1, and a Porsche GT3, to i see races of cars, it was really cool, and a airplanes flying a helicopter.