Day when I was born
I was born in a hospital in Barcelona. -
My first day at pre-school
I went to Onze de Setembre a school in Sant Quirze, I was three years old when I entered there.
I cried a lot because I didn't want to separate from my mum. -
Day when I learned to ride a bike
I went to a park called 'La Betzuca' that is near to my house, and I amazingly I learned only in a day -
Day when I entered primary school
I went also to Onze de Setembre, and obivusuly that day I didn't cry because I already knew my classmates -
My first travel to another country
I traveled to Disney Land Paris with my parents and grandparents. It was my eight years old present. -
My first day at high school
I went to IES Sant Quirze, that is where I'm studying nowadays. That day I was a bit nervous because I would meet new people. -
Catalonia Champion of Relay Race
Three training-mates and I became Catalonia Relay Race Champions. We competed on the 4x100 race and we almost beat the Catalonia record. -
I'm writing my biography after having dinner.