My life

  • My parents wedding

    It was really close from the day my great grandfather's death
  • My born

    I was born in Unimed hospital
  • my christening

    my christening was in the day of my grandpa's birthday
  • I went to a little school for the first time

    In this school was were I met my best friends
  • My first trip with an airplane

    This trip was to Curitiba
  • My sister's born

    She was born in the same hospital as I
  • I enter in Oswaldo Cruz

  • I moved to th house that I live today

    I moved to my actual house 5 days before my birthday
  • I went to Maceió

    It was one of the best trips of my life
  • I wrote a book with my class

    I like so much doing it
  • I went to United States

    Was the best trip I have ever done
  • I started having the Pinwaldos

    It was a great experience of my life
  • I went to English Camp

    I love so much having this trip
  • I went to Fundação