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My Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
  • My brother arrives

    My brother arrives
  • Started Dance

    Started Dance
  • My first Musical

    My first Musical
  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
  • Band Trip to Disney!

    Band Trip to Disney!
  • Show Choir Competition

    Show Choir Competition
  • Nominated for Exemplary Honors

    Nominated for Exemplary Honors
    WSMA State
  • Started working at Princess My Party

    Started working at Princess My Party
  • Started Pointe!

    Started Pointe!
  • Graduation

  • Move into college

    Move into college
  • Graduate college

    Graduate college
  • Start Work as a Disney Princess

    Start Work as a Disney Princess
  • Move to NYC

    Move to NYC
  • Get Engaged

    Get Engaged
  • Start my own Theatre Company

    Start my own Theatre Company
  • New baby!

    New baby!
  • Get Married

    Get Married
  • Death
