My birth
I was born on January 1, 2001 in the City of Floridablanca -
My first year
I lived in the city of Bucaramanga with my father, my mother and my sister, in the Provenza neighborhood in a building of my grandfather -
My home
I became the favorite granddaughter of my paternal grandfather, my grandparents lived in the city of Baranca and traveled to see my sister and me -
Birth of my cousin
In this year my cousin was born in the city of Bucaramanga and so my uncles went to live with us -
My first trip
This year i traveled with my paternal family to Santa Marta, as it was the first time i knew the sea i did not like and not so much sand -
This year my sister graduated from primary school -
Second trip
This year was the second time i traveled to Santa Marta and this time yes i liked and from there i love the sea -
Elementary school
My elementary school was the best, i shared with mt classmates, my grandparents, my parents and my sister, i was in several acivities and i was doing well in school and i liked to go -
This year my parents broke up, my sister and i were living in Bucaramanga with my dad and my grandparents until we finished the school year -
This year I did in Barranca and lived with my mother, my sister and my grandparents maternal, i graduated fifth grade at Colegio Santa Teresita -
Sixth grade
This year i went to the city of Bucaramanga to live with my dad because i did not like Barranca and i studied at Colegio Santa Ana -
My mom did not like that i was away from her and made me go back to Barranca and from there i began to study at the college Bethlemitas -
I this year i traveled to Barranquilla with my paternal family to meet my cousin Alejandra and spend Christmas there -
Eleven grade
My high school has not been so good, i have not done very well in school, i threw a year and i got into trouble although i've know great people