My Life Course Thus Far

  • Birthday

    On a clear sunny day at 8:02 am, Julia Ellen Happy Lewis entered into the world and joined her family of one sister and two parents
  • Clean up On the Beam

    Julia is taught the embarrassment of breaking social norms when she pees on the balance beam at gymnastics and is sent home, age three
  • Julia Goes To School

    After moving from Manitoba to Ontario Julia starts kindergarten at her first major social institution, Glynn A Green, with the cohort of children she is set to grow up with
  • I Don't Want to be a Princess When I Grow Up

    Julia feels good at something for the first time and feels her status as a student rise as she wins her very first speech competition
  • She's a Big Girl Now

    Julia transitions from little lady to responsible nine year old when she is allowed to walk to school by herself for the first time
  • Heartbreak at Skating

    Julia has her first major romantic life event as she is broken up with by her first boyfriend (together for three days) right in the middle of public skating
  • The Big Leagues

    Julia transitions from grade school to high school and experiences the new role set of being a older students and the freedom that comes with that
  • Too Many Pills

    The roles in her life prove to be too much for Julia and she is tired of the role strain and the mess in her head. Julia attempts suicide and is placed in McMaster Children Hospital psych ward for a month and a half.
  • Girl Interrupted

    Julia struggles with her new role set in McMaster, her freedom is gone and she has to learn how to handle the new social institution
  • Home Sweet Home

    Julia is released from the hospital and again adjusts to the new roles in her life, this transitions proves to be very hard. Her status is free but the new rules in her life seem to run contrary
  • Left Behind

    Julia decides to stay for 12b instead of leaving to go to university, her cohort of friends and peers leave her and she regrets her choice
  • Light Ahead

    Julia gets into her number one school and accepts gladly, she is ready for this next transition and all the new roles it will bring with it