• My birth day

    My birth day
    I was born on Bogota, early morning at 2 of november. In this time I have one brother . My mom was accountant and my dad was architect.
  • Begin in the school

    Begin in the school
    I began in the school when I have 5 years old. There I played with my friends and I was a girl so inteligent. I liked to drawn in my notebooks
  • Finish my school

    Finish my school
    I finished school when I have 17 years old. I passed the last grade with good qualifications
  • I learn to drove

    I learn to drove
    My father learned me to drive. He learned me in his car. I never crashed the car. when I begin to drive I was cowardly
  • Admitted to university

    Admitted to university
    I began to study at the University Autonoma de Colombia. I studied International business
  • Second degree

    Second degree
    I began my second degree that is laws because is to like to defend the people