My Life

By adelie
  • Birth

    I was born in Charleston, SC.
  • Stitches

    I went to the hospital to get my first stitches.
  • CJ's Birth

    My little brother was born and I was in the hospital with mosquitoes bites. (I'm allergic to a certain kind)
  • Moving to Aiken

    Moving to Aiken
    We moved from Charleston to Aiken for my dad's job.
  • Country Trip

    Country Trip
    We traveled to 49 states this summer.
  • Learning to Surf

    Learning to Surf
    I learned to surf on Edisto Island which is where my love for all things ocean started.
  • Period: to

    Third Grade

    Third grade was very important to me because I had a wonderful teacher who expanded my love for history and ELA. I also broke my ankle this year and it was purple and the size of a softball.
  • Switching Schools

    Switching Schools
    I switched schools and that was one of the best decisions of my life (not my decision but you know.)
  • Quarantine

    I loved quarantine because we had just moved into this big house that had a pond and a very acres so we just went outside for hours. Also during summer which is my favorite season so win win.
  • parthenon

    We visited the Parthenon and I was in my Greek mythology phase so I loved it.
  • Christmas

    Christmas was the best this year! I got so many things and we went to the tree lighting!
  • Worst Day of My Life

    we moved to new mexico. it sucks.
  • Best Day of My Life

    Best Day of My Life
    Was told that we were moving back to South Carolina!
  • Starting High School

    I started high school at St. Thomas Aquinas.
  • Graduating

    I graduated high school.
  • Gap Year!!

    Gap Year!!
    My parents took me to Greece for my gap year.
  • Collage

    I started college at the Citadel majoring in Marine Biology!!
  • Job

    Starting my job as a researcher at Daufuskie Island!!