My life

By gprats
  • I was born

    I was born
    In Barcelona
  • I learned to speak

    I learned to speak
    My first word is Papa
  • I learned to walk

    I learned to walk
    When my father bought a moto
  • I started the school

    I started the school
    At CEIP Turonet
  • I improved my Catalan

    I improved my Catalan
    I learn new vocabuary
  • I improved my Spanish

    I improved my Spanish
    I learn new vocabulary
  • I learned to speak English

    I learned to speak English
    In first of primary school we start this subject
  • I went to a campus with international people

    I went to a campus with international people
    This campus is in Andorra
  • I went to "les Alpes"

    I went to "les Alpes"
    I did snowboard
  • I went to Brazil with my family

    I went to Brazil with my family
    I was two weeks visiting this country
  • I finished the school

    I finished the school
    I finish the school at Ceip Turonet
  • I started the Secundary School

    I started the Secundary School
    In IES Sant Quirze
  • I learn French

    I learn French
    I choose French subject
  • I went to Montpeiller

    I went to Montpeiller
    With my school to a french people house.
  • I went on holidays to Turkey

    I went on holidays to Turkey
    I don't speak turkish but a lot of people speak english.
  • I went to Paris to see the city

    I went to Paris to see the city
    I visited all this city when there were holidays at school
  • I went on holidays to USA, and I practise my english

    I went on holidays to USA, and I practise my english
    I went to Los Angeles