The Legend is born
This is when my cousin that I see very little is born. He is the stuff of legends. -
Elmer dropped his mixtape
It was fire, yo. -
My boi is born
My cousin Adonis(right) was born -
I was born on March 3rd, 2001. -
My boy Joseph was born. His birthday is tomorrow. -
We moved to our house
My parents purchased our current house and we moved there after living with my aunt for a bit. -
First School
I went to my first school, Franklin Elementary, and I stayed from Kindergarten until 4th. -
The Harry Potter Event
I've never read any Harry Potter or seen any of the movies, but on this day I cracked open my head and got the mark that people compare to Harry Potter's. -
I went to the middle school. -
Social Experiment
In the hood, gone wrong, gone sexual