My Life By Design

By s25160
  • Highschool Graduation

  • Applied to collages

    Applied to UNiversity of Missouri and University of Kansas
  • Family Vacation to Paris

    Family Vacation to Paris
    A week to week and a half long
  • Accepted into University of Kansas

    Accepted into University of Kansas
  • First day of Collage at University of Kansas

    First day of Collage at University of Kansas
  • Start saving for retirement

  • Got married :)

    Got married :)
  • Graduated from University of Kansas

  • Applied for Medical School

    Applied for Medical School
  • Accepted into intermship at University of Kansas Hospital

  • Accepted into medical school

  • First day of Med. School

  • Graduated from Med.School

  • Accepted into Pediatrician Position

  • Birth of Daughter! :D

    Birth of Daughter! :D
  • Birth of Son ! :D

    Birth of Son ! :D
  • Trip to Greece

    Trip to Greece
  • Move to UK

    Move to UK
  • Retire from Pediatrician