My life birth to age 30

  • Year Born

    Year Born
    I was born at the Portland Hospital in London as a chubby baby. I was 3.5Kg at birth.
  • My first trip to Disney World

    My first trip to Disney World
    This was during the Christmas holidays. It was my first experience to go outside my house and be at the biggest theme park in the world, as well as be open to new things.
  • A Day at the Formula 1

    A Day at the Formula 1
    This was my first experience going to a Formula 1 race. It was a very hot day racing around the track. It taught me all about perseverance.
  • My First Ski Trip

    My First Ski Trip
    We went on a family trip to St. Moritz, Switzerland, where I learnt how to ski at a professional ski school. It boosted my confidence.
  • Trip to the Maldives

    Trip to the Maldives
    I discovered how to snorkel under the sea. I saw a lot of fish and sharks. It was one of the best experiences I had.
  • Going to the Football Match in Bahrain

    Going to the Football Match in Bahrain
    This was a game between Bahrain and the UAE for the Gulf Cup. It's my first experience going to a Football Stadium.
  • Going to an International Football Match

    Going to an International Football Match
    My first live game, I watched Manchester City vs. Crystal Palalce
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    This was my last day in school.
  • Accepted into Harvard University

    Accepted into Harvard University
    Going to my first class in Finance.
  • Period: to

    My time living away from Bahrain

    This was the longest time living outside Bahrain. It was the best experience of my life. It also taught me to live independently.
  • My First Job at HSBC Bank

    My First Job at HSBC Bank
    Now I can finally make money after university.
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
    I will finally move out of my family's house and having my own.
  • Moving into My First Home

    Moving into My First Home
    My wife, children, and I moved into this amazing home.
  • Launching my First Startup

    Launching my First Startup
    We made a great deal building our first startup company