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My Life

  • I was Born

    The 28th of December of 2004 I was born
  • I travel for the first time

    Whem I was 3 months I went to Marrkech with my family
  • I start school in John Talabot

    I started school in John Talabot and at the same time I started speaking english as it was an English school
  • I ski for the first time

    When I was 2 years and a half I skied for the first time
  • My brother Víctor was born

    My brother Víctor was born in August of 2007
  • My brother Pablo was born

    My brother Pablo was born in march of 2010
  • España wins Mundial

    In 2010 España wins the football world cup
  • I start playing tennis

    I start playing and compiting in tennis
  • I win the cataluña tennis tournament with my tennis team

    We win the final vs real tennis barcelona and we become champions of Cataluña
  • I start seconady school in Sunion

    When I finished the primary school in John Talabot I went to do the seconadry school to Sunion
  • I meet Rafael Nadal

    This year I met with Rafael Nadal who is one of the best tennis players of the world, I also watched her play and train.
  • I meet Andy Murray

    I met with Andy Murray who is a great tennis player who I really admire as I love his game